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"All Things Round to Beauty"

Since 2014, Cedar & Stars has been dedicated to providing beautiful sacred art to enthusiasts and laymen alike. Our pieces have rich theological themes, symbols, and stories translated in the vein of an ancient sacred aesthetic.  There is an iconographic sensibility and language similar to the the icons of the Christian East.


This family-owned and operated enterprise was a result of a desire to bring the profound genius of ancient Western Christian art into the more humble settings of an average Christian household.  Our hope is to have our pieces play a small part in re-invigorating a love of sacred beauty. 

"... in the spiral of a vast nebula which covers half the heavens, and in the curve of a little leaf that shelters a tiny insect, order and beauty and proportion and harmony subsist-a reflex of the Mind of the Eternal." 


-P. A. Sheehan


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